That Girl Routine: How to Become That Girl in 2025

That Girl Routine: How to Finally Become That Girl

That Girl Routine: How to Become That Girl in 2025

Ever scrolled through social media and wondered how some girls have it all together— the perfect morning routine, glowing skin, and a workout schedule that never fails? 

That’s “That Girl.” She’s organized, focused, and in control of her life.

But how do you become “That Girl” in 2025? Let’s find out!

Please, Don’t try to follow an impossibly strict plan that sets you up for burnout.

Trust me, I’ve been there—trying to wake up at 5 a.m. every day, packing in workouts, journaling, and sticking to a rigid meal plan.

After a week, I was exhausted and frustrated. Instead, I learned to create a routine that actually fits my lifestyle. And honestly, that’s made all the difference.

Becoming “That Girl” in 2025 isn’t about just looking good on social media.

It’s about becoming the best version of yourself through healthy, balanced habits.

It’s about creating routines that nurture your body, mind, and soul in ways that feel realistic and sustainable—without the pressure to be perfect.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into morning and evening routines that can help you feel like “That Girl” every day.

And I’ll be sharing a few personal tips and tweaks from my own experience to keep things balanced, realistic, and, most importantly, enjoyable. So, Let’s start.

What is “That Girl”?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s clarify who “That Girl” is.

It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s a mindset.

Being “That Girl” means you’ve got your routine down pat, prioritize self-care, and make time for the things that light up your soul. Now, let’s see how you can become her.

Key Traits of “That Girl”

Being “That Girl” involves traits like discipline, self-love, and authenticity.

That girl’s morning routine

Morning Routine: How to Start Your Day Like “That Girl”

Mornings set the tone for the entire day, so getting them right can make a huge difference.

While there’s no one-size-fits-all routine, these habits can help you start your day with the right mindset and energy.

Here’s how to build a morning routine that works for you—and I’ll sprinkle in some personal insights along the way.

1. Wake Up Early

Waking up early is a classic part of “That Girl’s” lifestyle. But let’s be real—not everyone is a natural early riser.

I’ve struggled with this too. For me, a 6:30 a.m. wake-up call works best. It’s early enough to give me quiet time but not so early that I feel groggy.

If you’re not a morning person, start by waking up just 15-30 minutes earlier and gradually ease into it.

The idea here is to create a peaceful start to your day.

It’s not about waking up at the crack of dawn just because social media says so—find a time that suits your lifestyle and makes you feel good.

2. Make Your Bed

First thing’s first: make your bed. It sounds simple, but it’s a small act that can set a productive tone for the day.

I used to skip this, thinking it didn’t matter, but once I made it a non-negotiable part of my routine, I found it really helped me feel more organized. Plus, there’s something nice about coming back to a tidy bed after a long day!

3. Exercise

Exercise is key to “That Girl’s” routine because it energizes the body and clears the mind.

But remember, it doesn’t need to be a hardcore workout every day.

Some mornings you feel like going for a run or hitting the gym, but other days, a quick 15-minute yoga session or stretching is enough.

The goal is to get moving, release endorphins, and start your day feeling strong and capable.

If you’re new to morning workouts, don’t overwhelm yourself. Start small—maybe with a brisk walk or a short bodyweight workout. The consistency matters, not the intensity.

4. Shower

A shower after your workout is more than just a hygiene routine—it’s a refreshing reset.Plus, a refreshing shower can be a great time to gather your thoughts and set intentions for the day. Try to incorporate mindfulness during your shower.

Focus on the sensation of the water, the scent of your soap, and the warmth surrounding you.

I like to take my time during this part of my morning, using a shower gel with energizing scents like citrus to really wake up my senses.

5. Skincare and Makeup

Skincare is one of the staples of “That Girl’s” routine. Your skin deserves some love!

A morning skincare routine can help you feel fresh and confident. Take a few minutes to pamper yourself.

Keep your skincare routine simple. A gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen are great starters. If you like makeup, opt for a natural look that enhances your features without feeling heavy.

For me, my skincare routine starts with a gentle cleanser, followed by a hydrating serum and oil-free moisturizer as my skin is oily and acne-prone. And finally, of course, sunscreen is a must!

6. Get Your Work Done for the Day: 

Plan your day and prioritize your tasks. Whether you’re working from home, studying, or heading to the office, having a clear plan helps you stay focused and productive.

Use a planner or digital calendar to map out your day and tackle tasks one by one.

I always start by writing down my top three priorities for the day—this helps me stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed by a long list of tasks.

Getting your work done early not only boosts your productivity but also reduces stress for the rest of the day.

It’s amazing how much more relaxed I feel when I’ve tackled the hardest parts of my to-do list by lunchtime.

Reward yourself with little breaks to stay motivated. A cup of your favorite tea or a quick stretch can do wonders for your focus and energy levels.

7. Mindfulness or Journaling:

How to become that girl in 2025,

Another key aspect of “That Girl’s” morning routine is some form of mindfulness or journaling.

This is something I’ve incorporated into my mornings as well, and it’s made a world of difference.

Whether it’s five minutes of deep breathing, a quick meditation, or jotting down a few thoughts in a journal, taking this time for yourself can help you feel more grounded and centered.

That Girl Routine: How to Become That Girl in 2025

Evening Routine: How “That Girl” Winds Down

If mornings set the tone for your day, evenings are all about unwinding and preparing for the next one.

Here’s how “That Girl” ends her day in a calm, organized, and restorative way.

1. Unwind

The first step to a successful evening routine is making time to unwind. This can look different for everyone, but the key is finding something that helps you relax and de-stress.

I love making a cup of chamomile tea and curling up with a good book.

Sometimes I’ll journal about my day or listen to a relaxing podcast. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that helps you mentally shift from work mode to relaxation mode.

2. Evening Workouts

If I didn’t get my workout done in the morning, I sometimes squeeze it in during the evening.

Evening workouts can help you release any tension or stress that’s built up throughout the day.

I keep it light, though— a brisk walk, some light stretching, or a quick strength workout. The goal is to move your body, but not so intensely that it disrupts your sleep later on.

3. Showering Again

Just like in the morning, a night shower can be incredibly soothing. It washes away the day’s stress and signals to your body that it’s time to wind down.

Make your shower special! Use calming scents like lavender or eucalyptus to create a serene atmosphere.

It’s all about setting the mood for relaxation. I love using lavender-scented body wash to help calm my senses and prepare for sleep.

4. Nighttime Skincare

Nighttime skincare is important. Cleanse thoroughly and apply a good moisturizer to keep it hydrated.

My evening skincare routine is all about hydration and recovery. After cleansing my face, I apply a richer, more nourishing moisturizer than I do in the morning. 

It should be simple, Less is more!

5. Do Other Things You Enjoy

Evenings are a great time to focus on the things you love but didn’t have time for earlier.

Make time for the things you love! Whether it’s painting, knitting, or cooking, engaging in hobbies can boost your mood and creativity. This is your time to explore and enjoy life!

For me, this could be catching up on a hobby, watching a show, or spending time with loved ones.

I also love journaling at night—it helps me reflect on my day, set intentions for tomorrow, and just get any lingering thoughts out of my head so I can sleep more peacefully.

6. Sleep Early

The final part of “That Girl’s” routine? Getting enough rest. (Most important)

Going to bed early is key to waking up refreshed and energized the next day.

I aim to be in bed by 11. p.m., though I’ll admit that sometimes it doesn’t always happen! But on the nights I do get to bed early, I always feel a thousand times better the next morning.

Set a bedtime that allows you to get 7-9 hours of deep sleep, so you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the next day.

Create a cozy bedtime ritual to signal your body that it’s time to sleep.

Reading a book or practicing some gentle stretches can help you unwind and prepare for a restful night.

If you struggle with falling asleep, try setting a wind-down alarm to remind you to start your evening routine earlier.

Extra Tips to Help You Stick to Your Routine

  • Be Flexible: Life happens, and some days your routine might not go as planned. That’s okay! I’ve learned to give myself grace and adjust when needed. The key is to stay consistent, but not rigid.
  • Track Your Progress: I like to use a habit tracker or planner to keep track of my routines. It helps me stay motivated and see how far I’ve come.
  • Listen to Your Body: Some days you’ll have tons of energy, and other days you’ll need to slow down. That’s totally normal! Honor how you feel and adapt your routine accordingly.

Conclusion: That Girl Routine: How to Become That Girl

Becoming “That Girl” in 2025 is about creating routines that feel good for you.

It’s not about following someone else’s plan to the letter—it’s about finding what makes you feel energized, productive, and balanced.

Whether you’re perfecting your morning or evening routine, remember that the goal is progress, not perfection.

So be kind to yourself, make time for self-care, and enjoy the process of becoming your best self!

Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions in the comments section below. I’d love to hear from you! Follow our Pinterest page for more tips on skincare,self-care, and lifestyle.

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That Girl Routine: How to Become That Girl in 2025

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